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Moving Forward to Reopen

Morning everyone
My first blog and not pre planned but I’ve been thinking for a while about producing personal information and thoughts which I hope you find useful.
The big question of course now is when will the clinic open again? I have been keeping a close eye on the situation by listening to The News -pertaining to Wales of course – and liasing daily with colleagues and my Regulating Bodies such as GMC (General Medical Council) and BCAM ( British College of Aesthetic Medicine). And of course my Insurers.
One thing is apparent. The world is a different place for better or worse and the way we live and interact has changed possibly long term. When I open I will have new consent forms to be signed digitally before I see you. Please come with no make up on. I will be wearing PPE and you will have to wear a mask . So initially I will be only providing upper face treatments which means no fillers or Sculptra. I hope these will be introduced in due course. We will not be able to sIt and chat as you know I love to do! I have removed the chairs from the treatment room and so the contact time will be reduced. I also need to do this so I can clean the room in between patients.
Of course I can do a FaceTime call pre appointment if you like to point anything out to me and also to have a catch up generally 🤗
I’m sure you will all understand and would probably expect these sort of changes.
Please email me if you have any queries via the website.
Best Wishes to all of you and hope to see you soon
Dr. Eithne Deignan

*Results may vary and are different for each individual. As such, Cosmedicare cannot guarantee specific results.

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